Tuesday 7 January 2014

6th January 2014 - Morgana, Threnody in Velvet

A quick introduction to this blog, in case anyone stumbles across it.
This will serve to track my progress to improve my 2d painting and drawing abilities over the course of 2014. Hopefully I will see vast improvement and finally be getting to where I feel I would like to be in my work.

So yesterday (the 6th of January) I worked on this image. I spent around 1-1.5 hours. I used no line work and just threw colors down to see where it would take me. Very unrefined and I would like to do some more on this one eventually.

This one is based off a model called Morgana or Threnody in Velvet. 

I need to get better with my colors.

I need to get better at figuring out the distances and relationships between each element quickly.

I need to get more confident and better at laying down chunks of color and shade.

There will be another post today, with todays painting (the 7th) and that is going to be based on a screenshot from Supernatural the TV show.
I'll try and keep these paintings as diverse as possibly, but make no mistake ; pinup is my focus.

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